- Peter and Simon the Magician (Sorcerer) (Acts 8:14-25.)
Peter and Simon, the Magician (Acts 8:14-25)
Peter was the first apostle to be called by Jesus during His earthly ministry. The name, ”Peter” means Rock. After the resurrection of Jesus, he was appointed to lead the Church of Christ. Thus; Jesus reiterated during Peter’s commission: “……………. I will give you the key of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” Hence, Peter became the superintendent of the Church after the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. It was Peter that announced and supervised the replacement of Judas Iscariot by Matthias. During the ministry of Peter, he manifested the power of God by the leading of the Holy Spirit. One of the miraculous activities in Peter’s ministry was his encounter with Simon the Magician.
The early Church encountered untold persecution and the bitter experience made them to flee Jerusalem for other places to seek a refuge. However, while they were staying there, they preached the undiluted gospel message which convicted many to be converted.
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