BIBLICAL REFERENCES: Romans 13: 1-7, I Peter 2: 13-17
- Civic Responsibility – The Need for Order in Society
- Submission to those in Legitimate Authority
- People in Authority to Serve with the Fear of God
- Peter’s Message on the Duties of a Good Citizen
Civic Responsibility – The Need for Order in Society
This is the rights, obligations and duties of citizens in a country. For a society to be orderly, the rights of the citizens must be guaranteed by law, just as the citizens have obligations to perform in spite of any social status.
Order is very important for peaceful co-existence. The lives and properties of citizens are protected while disorderliness will create lawlessness and insecurity.
Submission to those in Legitimate Authority
Paul admonished all Christians to be subject to those in authority, for there is no authority except those from God; all existing authorities are instituted by God, to resist them therefore is to resist God. Such resistance definitely will earn God’s wrath or judgment.
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