OBJECTIVES: At the end of the class the student should be able to.

  1. Define matter.
  2. List and describe the states of matter.
  3. Mention and describe the movement of matter.
  4. Describe with examples physical and chemical properties.
  5. Differentiate between physical and chemical changes.



Matter is defined as anything that has weight (mass) and occupies space. It could be rigid or non-rigid. e.g. paper, water, stone etc. The mass of an object is the quantity of matter an object contains and it is the same everywhere. The S.I unit of mass is kilograms (Kg).

Matter exists in three (3) physical states:

  1. Solid: it has a definite shape and volume.
  2. Liquid: it has a definite volume but no shape.
  3. Gas: it has no definite shape nor volume.

Image result for states of matter

Movement of Particles

Matter is made up of tiny particles which are in constant motion, therefore possess kinetic energy.

Lesson tags: Chemistry Lesson Notes, Chemistry Objective Questions, SS1 Chemistry, SS1 Chemistry Evaluation Questions, SS1 Chemistry Evaluation Questions First Term, SS1 Chemistry First Term, SS1 Chemistry Objective Questions, SS1 Chemistry Objective Questions First Term
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