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  1. Meaning and Explanation of the Pillars of Democracy
  2. Some Democratic Pillars

Meaning and Explanation of the Pillars of Democracy

Pillars of democracy refer to essential elements or institutions necessary for successful practice of democracy in a country.

Some Democratic Pillars

(i) The People: Democracy centers on the people going by the definition of democracy by Abraham Lincoln which says“Democracy is the government of the people, by the people for the people”. The people give their mandates through their votes in election. This definition shows the roles of the people of a nation in making democracy to work.

(ii) Democratic Institutions: Democracy is sustained by the democratic institutions put in place by the state as it helps the state to realize its objectives. Such institutions may include political parties, electoral body etc.

(iii) Rule of Law: Supremacy of the law above individuals, groups and state officials will also make democracy to stand, as it will ensure that all laws are obeyed.

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