The Promise

John 14; 16:5-16; Acts 1:3-5,8

The Holy Spirit is referred to as God the Spirit. He is the third personality in the trinity of the Godhead. The Holy Spirit is also called the counselor, comforter, instructor and teacher that direct the affairs of the Church. The Greek name for the Holy Spirit is paraclete.

Jesus made several appearances to His disciples within the period of forty days after His resurrection. It was during this period He gave His disciples the great commission to evangelize the whole world by teaching and preaching to the people and baptizing them in the name of the father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Jesus instructed his disciples to remain in Jerusalem till they receive the power from above which is the Holy Spirit which the Father will send unto them. He said, John the Baptist baptized with water but in a few days time they would be baptized with Holy Spirit:

“John baptized you with water, but before many days you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”

Jesus assured them that when the Holy Spirit comes, He will guide them into all truth.

Lesson tags: Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Lesson Notes, Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Objective Questions, JSS3 Christian Religious Studies (CRS), JSS3 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Evaluation Questions, JSS3 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS3 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) First Term, JSS3 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Objective Questions, JSS3 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Objective Questions First Term
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