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1. Food Production and Storage

(a) Ways of Improving Crop Yield

(b) Causes of Wastage

(c) Methods of Preserving and Storing Food

2. Population Growth and Food Supply

3. Relationship between Availability of Food and Human Population (Effects of Storage)

4. Government Efforts to Increase Food Production (e.g.) Agricultural Revolution


Food Production and Storage

The primary aim of agriculture is to provide adequate food for an ever increasing human population. The issue of food production, preservation, storage and wastage has been challenging to both the agriculturist and the government.

Adequate food production makes food available for teaming population to be well fed. It also earns the country foreign exchange through exportation of food crops. One the other hand, food shortage will increase death rate and cause migration of people to where food is available. There will be competition among organism which in turn leads to starvation and cannibalism. Natality or birth rate will be affected through avoidance of marriage.

(a) Ways of Improving Crop Yield

Crop yield can be improved through the following ways:

  1. Breeding high yielding crops that are resistant to plant and animal disease.

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