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  1. The Role of Women in the Resurrection Story of Jesus
  2. Comparison of the Three Accounts of Resurrection in the Synoptic Gospels


The Role of Women in the Resurrection Story of Jesus

  1. They were the first to get to the tomb to embalm the body of Jesus.
  2. They had firsthand knowledge of what actually happened.
  3. They were the first to know of the empty tomb.
  4. They were also the first to know of the resurrection of Jesus.
  5. It was from the women disciples that Peter and the rest of the apostles got to know about Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.
  6. The message to the apostles to meet Jesus in Galilee was given to the women disciples.


  1. Mention the activities of the women disciples in the resurrection of Jesus.


Compare and Contrast the Three Accounts of Resurrection in the Synoptic Gospels

Similarities in the Three Accounts of Resurrection

  1. All the synoptic gospels gave accounts about the resurrection of Jesus.

Lesson tags: CRS Lesson Notes, CRS Objective Questions, SS1 CRS, SS1 CRS Evaluation Questions, SS1 CRS Evaluation Questions Third Term, SS1 CRS Objective Questions, SS1 CRS Objective Questions Third Term, SS1 CRS Third Term
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