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  1. The Stories of Elijah and Obadiah (I Kings 16:29-34; 17:1-7; 18:1-19; 19:1-18)
  2. Elijah Meets King Ahab and Throws a Challenge (I Kings 18:1-19)
  3. The Contest on Mount Carmel (I Kings 18:20-46; I Sam. 5:1-12)


The Stories of Elijah and Obadiah (I Kings 16:29-34; 17:1-7; 18:1-19; 19:1-18)

Ahab served as king in Israel who took over from Omri. The kingdom of Israel was made up of ten tribes. During Ahab’s reign, Elijah was the prophet of God. Ahab was thriving in his evil deed as the Bible recorded that he did evil more than all the kings that ever ruled before him. He worshipped graven images, erected and built a house for Baal in Samaria, made grooves round Baal’s temple where evils were concealed.

In the midst of all these evils, there was a man serving under King Ahab but kept his faith in God and maintained his stand for God. His name was Obadiah.

Elijah went to the king and proclaimed a prophecy of drought in the land. Elijah was told by God to hide himself by the brook Cherith where he was fed by ravens until the brook dried up.

Lesson tags: CRS Lesson Notes, CRS Objective Questions, SS2 CRS, SS2 CRS Evaluation Questions, SS2 CRS Evaluation Questions Second Term, SS2 CRS Objective Questions, SS2 CRS Objective Questions Second Term, SS2 CRS Second Term
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