You must complete The Baptism of Jesus to unlock this Lesson.



  1. Temptations in the World Today
  2. Ways of Overcoming Temptations to Sin Today
  3. Means Jesus Used to Overcome the Three Temptations


Temptations in the World Today

In our community today, there are lots of temptations facing the children, youths and adults. They include:

  1. Temptation to cheat and get involve in examination malpractices.
  2. Temptation to lie and steal.
  3. Temptation to engage in fraud or obtain things by hook or crook.
  4. Temptation to disobey the laws and rules of the nation.
  5. Temptation to disobey rules and regulation of the school.
  6. Temptation to commitment fornication and adultery.
  7. Temptation to kill and destroy valuable properties in the society.
  8. Temptation to disobey the commandments and injunctions of God.
  9. Temptation to dishonour and disrespect our parents, teachers and elders.
  10. Temptation to do what is wrong.


Ways of Overcoming Temptations to Sin Today

The following tips can help to overcome temptations today:

  1. Be spiritually and physically disciplined.

Lesson tags: CRS Lesson Notes, CRS Objective Questions, SS3 CRS, SS3 CRS Evaluation Questions, SS3 CRS Evaluation Questions First Term, SS3 CRS First Term, SS3 CRS Objective Questions, SS3 CRS Objective Questions First Term
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