- Temptations in the World Today
- Ways of Overcoming Temptations to Sin Today
- Means Jesus Used to Overcome the Three Temptations
Temptations in the World Today
In our community today, there are lots of temptations facing the children, youths and adults. They include:
- Temptation to cheat and get involve in examination malpractices.
- Temptation to lie and steal.
- Temptation to engage in fraud or obtain things by hook or crook.
- Temptation to disobey the laws and rules of the nation.
- Temptation to disobey rules and regulation of the school.
- Temptation to commitment fornication and adultery.
- Temptation to kill and destroy valuable properties in the society.
- Temptation to disobey the commandments and injunctions of God.
- Temptation to dishonour and disrespect our parents, teachers and elders.
- Temptation to do what is wrong.
Ways of Overcoming Temptations to Sin Today
The following tips can help to overcome temptations today:
- Be spiritually and physically disciplined.
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