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Matt 4; 1-11, Mk 1: 12, 13; LK 4: 1-13

To tempt is to entice or persuade someone to do what he or she is not supposed to do. Therefore temptation is the process whereby one is enticed or persuaded to do what he is not supposed to do. The devil tempts us to do things against God’s will.

After Jesus had been baptized, he was led by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by the devil in the wilderness. He fasted for forty days and nights while he prayed, and meditated on his future work as the Messiah and Saviour of mankind. At the end of the forty days, Jesus was hungry and wanted food to eat. The devil then came to tempt him.

The First Temptation

In the first temptation, the devil asked Jesus to turn stones into bread if he was really the son of God. Jesus replied him that the scriptures said that man should not live by bread alone, but by every word that came out from the mouth of God.

Lesson tags: Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Lesson Notes, Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Objective Questions, JSS2 Christian Religious Studies (CRS), JSS2 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS2 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) First Term, JSS2 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Objective Questions, JSS2 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Objective Questions First Term
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