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BIBLICAL REFERENCES: Matt. 26: 47-68, 69 – 75


  1. The Trial of Jesus
  2. Peter’s Denial
  3. Moral Lessons


The Trial of Jesus

Jesus was taken to the house of the high priest (Caiaphas) where members of the Jewish Council (the Sanhedrin) had gathered. Here, Jesus was tried. At the trial, false accusations were made against him. They said he had said that he would destroy the Temple and build another, not made with hands, in three days. Jesus did not answer the charges because they were false. The high priest then asked Jesus whether he was the Son of God and when he agreed, he said Jesus was to die because of that. The people spat on him and hit him with their fists. They covered his eyes and asked him to identify who it was that struck him.

Peter’s Denial

Peter was in the courtyard watching the trial of Jesus. One of the maids of the high priest accused Peter twice that he was with Jesus, but he denied both, the bystanders also accused Peter for the third time that he was one of the disciples of Jesus; for he was a Galilean.

Lesson tags: Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Lesson Notes, Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Objective Questions, JSS2 Christian Religious Studies (CRS), JSS2 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Evaluation Questions Third Term, JSS2 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Objective Questions, JSS2 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Objective Questions Third Term, JSS2 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Third Term
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