- Control of Harmful Micro-organisms
- Vectors (i) Definition of Vectors (ii) Ways of Controlling Mosquitoes (iii) Ways of Controlling Vectors
- Student’s Health: Maintenance of Good Health
Control of Harmful Micro-organisms
Better health can be achieved basically by controlling disease-causing micro-organisms and their animal vectors and also by improving health facilities.
Micro-organisms can be controlled in the following ways:
- Use of High Temperature: This involves sterilization by boiling, autoclaving or heating of food and other products to kill disease causing organisms.
- Preserving Food by Salting: This is the application of salt in food to kill micro- organisms or render them inactive
- Uses of Drugs/Antibiotics: Many diseases can be controlled through the use of drugs and antibiotics in order to kill the causative micro- organisms. Fansid is used to kill malaria.
- Immunization or Rascination: Immunization is the process by which a healthy person is inoculated with a preparation of a mild form of the pathogen.
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