Meaning of Soil

Soil is the loose weathered material covering the earth surface which supports the growth of plants and sustains human and animal life. Soil consists of mineral materials e.g. sand, clay, silt and gravel, organic materials which are made of plants and animals, H2O (water), air and microbes.

Types of Soil

There are three types of soil formed as a result of the breakdown of rocks that is weathering. They are as follows: 1. Clay Soil This is a type of soil that has clay constituting the major proportion about 40% and above while the other part contains silt and sand. Types of crops that can grow on clay soil: rice, sugarcane, etc. It possesses the following characteristics.  

Lesson tags: Agricultural Science Lesson Notes, Agricultural Science Objective Questions, SS1 Agricultural Science, SS1 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions, SS1 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions Second Term, SS1 Agricultural Science Objective Questions, SS1 Agricultural Science Objective Questions Second Term, SS1 Agricultural Science Second Term
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