- Pastoral Farming
- Arable Farming
- Mixed Farming
- Taungya Farming
- Fish Farming
- Livestock Farming
- Shifting Cultivation
- Land Rotation/Bush Fallowing
- Crop Rotation
1. Pastoral Farming
This system involves the rearing of animals that feed/graze on forage crops (grasses and legumes), such as goats, sheep and cattle. Pastoral farming could take any of these three forms:
- Ranching
- Nomadic herding
- Ley farming
In this system, large numbers of animals are kept o a large expanse of enclosed land which may be under natural vegetation or planted pasture. The animals are allowed to move freely and graze within the confinement (Ranch). It is possible to adopt rotational grazing especially where the ranch is divided into sections/paddocks. An example of ranch in Nigeria is Obudu Cattle Ranch in Cross River state.
Advantages of Ranching
- Pasture and water are available all through the year.
- The animals are better managed and more protected from pests, diseases and death.
- Good quality animals are produced due to proper breeding programme.
Disadvantages of Ranching
- It is expensive to manage a ranch.
- It will be difficult to give individual attention to each animal kept in the ranch.
- Outbreak of disease may wipe out the entire stock.
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