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  1. Meaning and Characteristics of Subsistence Agriculture
  2. Meaning and Characteristics of Commercial Agriculture

Subsistence Agriculture

Meaning of Subsistence Agriculture

Subsistence agriculture is defined as the type of agriculture which involves the production of crops and animals by a farmer to feed himself and his family. He produces food for the consumption of the family with little or nothing left for sale.

Characteristics of Subsistence Agriculture

  1. It requires small capital/finance.
  2. Mixed cropping is mostly practiced.
  3. There is limited used of agro-chemicals e.g. pesticides and fertilizers.
  4. Unimproved varieties of crops and breeds of animals are used.
  5. There is little or no surplus for sale.
  6. It involves the used of crude/traditional tools such as hoes, machetes/cutlasses.
  7. It involves mainly the production of food crops.
  8. It is done on small scattered land.
  9. It uses family/unskilled labour.
  10. Yield/output is low.

Lesson tags: Agricultural Science Lesson Notes, Agricultural Science Objective Questions, JSS1 Agricultural Science, JSS1 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions, JSS1 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS1 Agricultural Science First Term, JSS1 Agricultural Science Objective Questions, JSS1 Agricultural Science Objective Questions First Term
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