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  • The Kinetic Theory
  • Diffusion
  • The Basic Statements of the Kinetic Theory of Gases

The Kinetic Theory

The kinetic theory of matter assumes that matter is made up of tiny particles such as atoms, molecules and ions that are continually moving and therefore possess kinetic energy.

The Kinetic Theory of Matter

The kinetic theory combines the concept of heat as a form of energy with the molecular theory. First, matter is considered to consist of elastic particles that are in constant motion. By their motion, they possess kinetic energy. These elastic particles have become better known as molecules; and instead of the particulate theory of matter, we talk of the molecular theory of matter. Evidence of molecular motion is provided by diffusion and Brownian movement.

Types of energy - kinetic theory - Brownian movement


Diffusion is the natural tendency of molecules to flow from higher concentrations to lower concentrations. When the barrier between two substances is removed (as shown here), the molecules will diffuse throughout the entire container. While the number of molecules in the container is the same as it was before the barrier was removed, the substances are now at lower concentrations.

Lesson tags: Basic Science Lesson Notes, Basic Science Objective Questions, JSS2 Basic Science, JSS2 Basic Science Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Basic Science Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS2 Basic Science Objective Questions, JSS2 Basic Science Objective Questions Second Term, JSS2 Basic Science Second Term
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