1. Meaning of Occupation
  2. Factors that Determine Occupation
  3. Classification/Division of Occupation

Meaning of Occupation

Occupation is any legitimate activity one engages in order to earn a living. It is a means of livelihood of a person. For example mining, fishing, plumber, mechanic, teaching, trading, law, medicine, etc.

Factors that Determine Occupation

The following are the factors that determine occupation:
  1. Climatic and Weather Condition: Because of climate and weather differences from place to place, people engage themselves in one form of occupation or the other to earn a living.
  2. Natural Resources: Natural resources endowment is also a determinant of one’s occupation. The presence of mineral resources in a particular place will attract the presence of miners and also determines the location of different types of industries. The availability of seaports and large bodies of water like ocean which are part of natural resources has accounted for people’s engagement in different activities and occupation.
  3. Health Factor: There are some occupations which people who are not physically fit cannot engage in. e.g. Nursing, Teaching etc.
  4. Skill and Training: People engaged themselves in occupation in which they have acquired skill and training.
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