You must complete Building: Foundation to unlock this Lesson.



  1. Definition of Wall
  2. Functions of Wall
  3. Walling Materials
  4. Types of Walls
  5. Finishes and Bonding

Definition of Wall

It is a structural member in building (450mm) used mainly for the enclosure or division of a space within a building. It can be external wall or load bearing wall built right from the foundation to the roof level, it carries the weight of itself and some other elements e.g. roof.

It can be internal cross walls, they are the non-load bearing wall (150mm), it carries only the weight of itself.

Function of a Wall

  1. To carry the load and other elements in the building structure.
  2. To divide a space as partition and as a compartment wall.
  3. To protect the structure against weather.
  4. For privacy.
  5. For security purpose.

Walling Materials

Materials for walling include stone, clay and mud, timber, bricks, sand crates, blocks etc.

Lesson tags: Basic Technology Lesson Notes, Basic Technology Objective Questions, JSS3 Basic Technology, JSS3 Basic Technology Evaluation Questions, JSS3 Basic Technology Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS3 Basic Technology Objective Questions, JSS3 Basic Technology Objective Questions Second Term, JSS3 Basic Technology Second Term
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