- Introduction to Technology
- Technology-related Professions
- Technology Occupations/Careers
- Types of Technology
- Importance of Technology
- Technological Literacy
Introduction to Technology
Technology is a term derived from the Greek words ‘techne’ and ‘logia’ meaning the study of craft or art. Technology is basically a systematic way of doing things or solving problems for the good of mankind. Technology is also a human activity directed at designing and making products like machines, computers, textiles, household devices and others, which make human living comfortable.
Technology is the processes (method) and products (materials) that make life easy and stress free. It can also be defined as cultural traditions developed in human communities for developing the physical and biological environment. Technology is also a new knowledge, idea, skill, procedure, or technique for doing or using things which may result into new things being produced. Technological development could be traced in the following areas:
- Food
- Clothing
- Shelter
- Communication
- Transportation, and
- Manufacturing.
Technology-related Professions
Technology is in the area of producing things, and providing services or using things in given ways. Such areas of human endeavor include engineering and construction, medicine, pharmacy, agriculture, business and commerce.
Technology Occupations/Careers
S/N | Field | Occupation | ||
1 | Engineering | (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) | Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronic Engineering Computer Engineering Telecommunication Engineering Agricultural Engineering Civil Engineering Building Engineering Chemical Engineering Aeronautic Engineering | |
2 | Architecture | (i) | Architecture | |
3 | Medicine | (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) | General Practice Dental medicine Surgery Gynecology and obstetrics Optomology Pharmacy Vetenary medicine | |
4 | Agriculture | (i) (ii) | Animal production Crop production | |
5 | Business | (i) (ii) | Management Accountancy | |
6 | Information Communication Technology (ICT) | (i) | Information Management System | |
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