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Introduction to Units of Storage in the Computer

Computer memory is a storage location where data/information are kept or stored. All data, information, text, numbers, audio, video etc are converted into 0’s and 1’s and stored in different types of storage in order to be processed by the computer CPU. Hence, we have various units of storage. These are;

(i) Binary digit (Bit)

(ii) Nibble

(iii) Byte

(iv) Word

Binary Digit (Bit)

It is the first and the smallest unit of computer memory. It is a unit of data that can be either of the two conditions – 0 or 1. Groups of bits make up storage units in the computer, called bytes (characters), words which are manipulated as a group. Each of the 0 and 1 in the diagram below indicates a bit.

Units of storage in the computer - Binary digit (bit)


It is a storage unit that is in a sequence of 4 bits. It is equivalent to 4 bits (half of a byte) i.e 0101, 1110, 0101, 1101, 1001 etc.

Lesson tags: Computer Studies Lesson Notes, Computer Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 Computer Studies, JSS2 Computer Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Computer Studies Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS2 Computer Studies First Term, JSS2 Computer Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 Computer Studies Objective Questions First Term
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