You must complete Meaning, Types and Characteristics of Farm Animals to unlock this Lesson.


  1. Uses of Farm Animals
  2. Products and By-products of Farm Animals
  3. Summary of the Uses of Farm Animals

Uses of Farm Animals

Farm animals are reared for the following purposes. They are reared for food, work, clothing, security/protection, sport and recreation, fertilizer, medicine, raw materials and livestock feeds. Let us explain each of the usage briefly. Food: Many food products are derived from farm animals. We get products like meat, milk, eggs from farm animals. Also animals’ by-products like feathers, bones, blood, droppings/dung, fat/oil are derived from farm animals. Food products and by-products from farm animals are very useful to man and industries. Work: Bigger farm animals can be used to work in the farm. Bullocks can be used to draw working machinery like ploughs, harrows, and ridgers while cultivating the soil. Donkey, camels are used to carry farm loads, while horse is used for transportation.

Lesson tags: Agricultural Science Lesson Notes, Agricultural Science Objective Questions, JSS1 Agricultural Science, JSS1 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions, JSS1 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS1 Agricultural Science Objective Questions, JSS1 Agricultural Science Objective Questions Second Term, JSS1 Agricultural Science Second Term
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