- Definition of Vulcanicity
- The Processes of Vulcanicity
- Types of Lavas
- Differences between Acid Lavas and Basic Lavas
- Regions of Volcanic Occurences
- Distribution of Volcanoes in the World
Definition of Vulcanicity
Vulcanicity refers to the rising of Molten Rock or Magma or other gaseous materials beneath the earth’s crust forcing its way into planes of weakness or Vent of the earth’s crust to escape quietly or explosively to the surface.
The Processes of Vulcanicity
The magma while moving through the vent to the earth’s surface may cool and solidify within the crust or before it gets to the surface of the earth as Plutonic rocks leading to intrusive landforms.
On the other hand, when the magma reaches the surface of the earth, it cools and solidifies as volcanic rocks and results in extrusive landforms. Rocks formed by either Plutonic or Volcanic activities are called igneous rocks.
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