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  1. Common Woodwork Joints.
  2. Uses of Non-wood Materials.
  3. Care and Maintenance of Woodwork Machines.

Common Woodwork Joints


Uses of Butt Joint

  1. Window frame construction
  2. Roof construction
  3. For cabinet making


Uses of Bridle Joint

  1. For bracing
  2. It is used at king post and assembling of the beam

Other wood work joints are:

  1. Halving joint
  2. Dovetail joint
  3. Tongue and groove
  4. Mortise and tenon
  5. Housing joint
  6. Dowelled joint.

Woodwork materials and machines - classification of joints

Classification of Joints

  1. Framing joint: Framing joints are used in the construction of frame.
  2. Widening joints: These involves joining mainly planks, edges to edges to produce a wider board.
  3. Angle joint: Also called box joint and is used in the formation of angles in wood construction.

Uses of Table

  1. Used for reading purpose.

Lesson tags: Basic Technology Lesson Notes, Basic Technology Objective Questions, JSS2 Basic Technology, JSS2 Basic Technology Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Basic Technology Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS2 Basic Technology Objective Questions, JSS2 Basic Technology Objective Questions Second Term, JSS2 Basic Technology Second Term
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