You must complete Work, Energy and Power: Potential and Kinetic Energy to unlock this Lesson.



  • Calculations Involving Work Done

Calculations Involving Work Done

1. What work is done when a mass of 5.00kg is raised through a vertical height of 2.5m (acceleration due to gravity is 10m/sec)?


Work done = mass × acceleration × distance

Since force = mass × acceleration

W (d) = mass × accel. × distance

= 5.00kg × 10m/s2 × 2.5m

= 125 joules

2. Calculate the work-done by a body of weight 200N which, moves through a distance of 12N


Force = 200N

Distance moved = 12m

Work done = force × distance moved

= (20012) joules

= 2400 joules.

3. Find the work done by a man who lifts a weight of 20N from the ground to a vertical height of 4m by means of a rope.


W = ? F = 20N, S = 4m

W = F × S

W = 20 × 4 = 80 Joules (80J).

Lesson tags: Basic Science Lesson Notes, Basic Science Objective Questions, JSS2 Basic Science, JSS2 Basic Science Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Basic Science Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS2 Basic Science Objective Questions, JSS2 Basic Science Objective Questions Second Term, JSS2 Basic Science Second Term
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