A computer is an electronic device which is used to input,process and output data
A computer is an electronic device that accept data,process data,and gives it out as an information.
A computer is an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.
A computer may be defined as any device, electronic or mechanical, that can perform complex computations. In simple words, a computer is a device which performs complex calculations and makes logical decisions.
A computer is also a device that accepts, processes, stores and retrieves data.
A computer is an electronic device that stores data, processes data and give out meaningful information
an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program
a computer is an electronic device which takes in data (input) processes the data (processing) and brings out meaningfull result (output)
A computer is an electronic device that is used to process data and brings it out as information
A computer is an electronic machine or device that accepts data as input, processes the data, stores it, and gives it out as output called information.
Computer is a electronic device used to store data , message and other information
COMPUTER is an electronic device that stores data process it and brings it out as an information
A computer is an electronic machine which accept, stores and process data under the control of stored programs to give out an information (output).
A computer is an electronic device which carries out the instructions of the user using the input devices processing it at the end gives it out as information(output)
A computer is an electronic device that accept data as an input, process it and give out information as output