Human trafficking is the movement of people for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labour, organ removal or commercial sex exploitation
So explainatry
but long I like it
Human trafficking is the illegal movement of people by force persuasion for forced labour, money rituals, commercial exploitation
Human Trafficking is the illegal of taking people from one place to another.
It is an illegal trade
Human trafficking is the act of taking children away from their parents for commercial purposes.
Human trafficking is the act of taking children away from their parents for commercial purposes.
Human trafficking is the act of taking children away from their parents for commercial purposes.
Human trafficking is the act of taking children away from their parents for commercial purposes.
Human trafficking is the act of taking children away from their parents for commercial purposes.
Human trafficking is the act of taking children away from their parents for commercial purposes.
Human trafficking is the act of taking children away from their parents for commercial purposes.
Human trafficking is the act of taking children away from their parents for commercial purposes.
Human trafficking is the act of taking children away from their parents for commercial purposes.
Human trafficking is the act of taking children away from their parents for commercial purposes.
Human trafficking is the act of taking children away from their parents for commercial purposes.
Human trafficking is the act of taking children away from their parents for commercial purposes.
Human trafficking is the act of taking children away from their parents for commercial purposes.
Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings
Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act
Human trafficking is the process by which human beings are sold out for the purpose of using their private part for the use of rituals, sexual slavery, forced labour, etc.
Human trafficking is the process by which people especially women and children are dragged out of their homes illegally and forcefully to an unknown environment far from home either to be sold for money or abused sexually or other wise
Human trafficking involves the illegal movement of people for exploitation purposes
Human traffic involves the illegal movement of people for exploitation purpose
human trafficking is the unlawful act of transporting or coercing people in order to benefit from their work or service, typically in the form of forced labor or sexual exploitation.
Human trafficking can be said to be an illegal way of moving humans from one to place to another place out of their desire either by transportation or by using them as labour.
Human trafficking is a illegal duty of import and export of human being from one place to another as a trading.
Human trafficking is the act where human being are being sold for illict purposes.