DiscussionsCategory: Civic EducationWhat is the meaning of exclusive, concurrent and residual lists?
Joy IgwembaJoy Igwemba asked 4 years ago

What is the meaning of exclusive, concurrent and residual lists?

Udhedhe ObaroUdhedhe Obaro replied 4 years ago

Exclusive: It contains power exercised by the central government alone
Concurrent: Cntains power exercised by the central and state governments
Residual: Contains power exercised by the state and local government.

3 Answers
Jahswill UnweneJahswill Unwene answered 4 years ago

Exclusive means excluding or not adding a particular kind of thing to a group

Jahswill UnweneJahswill Unwene replied 4 years ago

Please did i get it right

Veloh Eguolor PatrickVeloh Eguolor Patrick replied 4 years ago

In a federal system of government there is what we call the exclusive list concurrent list and residual list
Exclusive is for federal government that’s central government alone which involves security currency and international relations
Concurrent list involves both central and state authority which involves education roads agriculture and other state resources but in case if issues want to arise the central government which is the federal government takes over
Residual list involves the state government alone which is issues like marriage death and other local government bye laws

Joy IgwembaJoy Igwemba replied 4 years ago

It is correct.

Emmanuel NjideoforEmmanuel Njideofor replied 4 years ago


Jahswill UnweneJahswill Unwene answered 4 years ago

Concurrent means existing,happing,occurring or done at the same time

Jahswill UnweneJahswill Unwene replied 4 years ago

Please did i get it right

Jahswill UnweneJahswill Unwene answered 4 years ago

Residual list are subject that comes after the constitution is made, like technology and agriculture

Jahswill UnweneJahswill Unwene replied 4 years ago

Please did i get it right

Joy IgwembaJoy Igwemba replied 4 years ago

No sorry 😔

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