Export Promotion in Agriculture

Length: 0 minutes

<h1><strong>EXPORT PROMOTION IN AGRICULTURE </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Export and Export Promotion</li> <li>Types of Trade</li> <li>Activities that Constitute Export Promotion</li> <li>Examples of Nigerian Export Produce</li> <li>Benefits of Export Promotion</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Meaning of Export and Export Promotion</strong></h2> <strong>Export </strong>is the selling of goods and services across the national boundaries of other countries. A person or country that does this is an <strong>e<em>xporter</em>.</strong> <strong>Export promotion </strong>is a set of activities that brings about increase in the sale of agricultural produce to other nations. It also refers to encouraging the sale of nation’s produce in other countries. Goods which are exported include agricultural produce, minerals, manufactured products, electronics, books, machines, vehicles, computer software etc. The Nigerian climate favours the production of certain crops and animals products above some other countries of the world, hence, the need to encourage the exportation of these crops to other countries to gain foreign exchange which will be used to import other goods that we need. Exportation is conducted through international trade.

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