Scheme of work, smart lesson notes, evaluation, test and exam questions for first term
Second Term
Scheme of work, smart lesson notes, evaluation, test and exam questions for second term
- Harvest of Corruption: Background Study; Author’s Biography; Plot and Setting
- Harvest of Corruption: Subject Matter; Themes; Characterization and Characters
- Harvest of Corruption: Literary Devices; Language and Style of the Author
- “The Proud King” by William Morris: Introduction to the Poem; Author’s Background; Plot and Subject Matter
- “The Proud King” by William Morris: Themes; Poetic Devices; Language and Style
- Amma Darko’s Faceless: Biography of Author; Background Study; Themes; Subject Matter; Plot and Setting
- Faceless: Characters; Characterization; Literary Devices; Language and Style
- ‘Vanity’ by Birago Diop: Author’s Background; Plot; Subject Matter; Themes; Poetic Devices, Language and Stye
- Introduction to the Poem “The Dining Table” by Gbanabom Hallowell
- SS1 Literature Second Term Examination (Mock)
Third Term
Scheme of work, smart lesson notes, evaluation, test and exam questions for third term
- Introduction to the Novel, “She Stoops to Conquer” by Oliver Goldsmith
- Oliver Goldsmith’s “She Stoops to Conquer”: Plot; Setting; Subject Matter and Themes
- “She Stoops to Conquer”: Characterization and Characters; Literary Devices; Language and Style
- Horace Walpole’s “The Castle of Otranto”: Background Study; Setting and Plot
- The Castle of Otranto: Subject Matter and Themes
- The Castle of Otranto: Characters; Characterization; Literary Devices; Language and Style
- Introduction to the Poem “The School Boy” by William Blake
- Introduction to the Poem “The Panic of Growing Older” by Lenrie Peters
- SS1 Literature Third Term Examination (Mock)