Sonship II: Rights and Responsibilities as Children of God and as Citizens

<h1>SONSHIP</h1> BIBLICAL REFERENCES: Rom.8:3, 17,32 .8:1-39, 4:6,7; Eph. 5:3 CONTENT <ol> <li>Right and responsibilities as children of God</li> <li>Right as citizens of Nigeria.</li> </ol>   <h2>Rights and Responsibilities as Children of God</h2> As children of God we have the following rights and responsibilities: <ol> <li>Right to the Grace of God as long as we serve Him wholeheartedly</li> <li>God’s love and protection.</li> <li>We are to be God’s representative on earth by bearing light to the world because Christians are light and salt of the world.</li> <li>We are to reject and denounce Satan by forsaking and avoiding evil deeds.</li> <li>Being our brothers’ keeper by helping the poor, the needy, the handicapped and less privilege in the society.</li> <li>Preaching and spreading of the gospel message in other to bring others to Christianity.</li> <li>Active participation in church programs, giving and donating toward the growth of Christianity.</li> <li>Holy living because God is holy.</li> </ol> EVALUATION <ol> <li>List five (5) rights of God’s children.</li> <li>State three (3) responsibilities of God children.</li> </ol>

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