Meaning and Importance of Ornamental Plants
Unfortunately we could not locate the table you're looking for.<h1>MEANING AND IMPORTANCE OF ORNAMENTAL PLANTS</h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Ornamental Plants</li> <li>Common Ornamental Plants Found in Nigeria</li> <li>Importance of Ornamental Plants</li> <li>Types of Ornamental Plants According to their Uses</li> <li>Settings and Location for Planting Each Type of Ornamental Plant</li> <li>Methods of Cultivating and Planting Ornamental Plants</li> <li>Maintenance of Ornamental Plants</li> </ol> <h2>Meaning of Ornamental Plants</h2> Ornamental plants are plants (trees, shrubs, or herbs) which are used for different purposes by man. Ornamental plants can also be seen as plants that are cultivated or grown to beautify or decorative purposes in gardens and landscape design projects such as houses, walk ways , parks and indoors. They are also planted and arranged or placed where they will thrive for a useful purpose. The study of ornamental plants is called floriculture. The person who grows or sells flowers is called a florist There are different types of ornamental plants which can be used for different purposes. <h2>Common Ornamental Plants Found in Nigeria</h2> The following are common ornamental plants found in Nigeria: <h2>Importance of Ornamental Plants</h2> Ornamental trees, shrubs and flowers have various uses, hence their importance for our well-being. (i) Landscaping: <ul> <li>Flowers are used to beautify residential and office buildings as well as playground.</li> <li>The plants whose flowers are attractive , colorful and sweet smelling are used for this purpose.</li> </ul> (ii) Provision of shade: <ul> <li>Many ornamental shrubs and trees such as Odan- <em>Ficus spp</em> and Almond tree are used to provide shade around houses especially in villages.</li> </ul> (iii) Wind break: <ul> <li>Closely spaced tall ornamental shrubs and trees are usually planted close to buildings to act as wind break.</li> <li>Wind break trees add to the beauty of the areas. An example of wind break trees are teak, Ashoka (Police tree).</li> </ul> (iv) Screening and delineation of areas: <ul> <li>Ornamental plants can be used to screen a place such as house from the prying eyes of strangers.</li> <li>Used to delineate areas from one another by using it for demarcation.</li> </ul> (v) Hedge plants: <ul> <li>Ornamental hedge plants can be used to prevent easy access for intruders into compounds because they are closely spaced and some with thorns.</li> </ul> (vi) Decoration: <ul> <li>Live fresh flowers put in vases are used to decorate living rooms.</li> <li>Some potted ornamental plants are raised and placed at the porches of houses or offices.</li> <li>At weddings, funerals, workshops seminars beautiful flowers are used for decoration, thus adding colour to the occasion.</li> </ul> (vii) Used as spot plants: