DiscussionsCategory: English LanguageWhat is an irony?
Toyyib IbrahimToyyib Ibrahim asked 5 years ago

What is an irony?

Halima AhmaduHalima Ahmadu replied 5 years ago

It is the expression of one’s meaning by using a language that normally signifies the opposite

22 Answers
Best Answer
Grace BanmoduGrace Banmodu answered 5 years ago

Irony is a figure of speech in which words are used in such a way that their intended meaning is opposite the actual meaning of the words

Seza SamuSeza Samu replied 2 years ago

A better definition

Nancy ObioraNancy Obiora answered 5 years ago

Irony is the use of words to convey a meaning that is the  opposite of it’s literal meaning.

Laura NyamsiLaura Nyamsi answered 5 years ago

Irony is the expression on one’s meaning by that use language that normally signifies the opposite typically for emphatic effects. 

Precious Iviemwen OmogiadeEkhourutomwen Thompson Omogiade answered 5 years ago

Irony means to find the correct of a meaning 

Maryam Abduljamih FolorunshoMaryam answered 5 years ago

An irony refers to the expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect

James AdamaJames Adama replied 4 years ago

Irony is the figure of speech that is used to express the opposite of what is meant but in such a way that that intented meaning will be understood

Zainab Abduljamih FolorunshoZainab answered 5 years ago

An irony refers to the expression of one’s meaning by using language that signify the opposite

Zainab Abduljamih FolorunshoZainab answered 5 years ago

An irony refers to the expression of one’s meaning by using language that signify the opposite

Sadiq BarauSadiq Barau answered 5 years ago

the expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.

Zainab AhmaduZainab Ahmadu answered 5 years ago

It means saying something that means the exact opposite normally used for joking:rofl: :rofl: 

Melvyn ChukwuMelvyn Chukwu answered 5 years ago

Irony is a figure of speech in which words are used in such a way that their intended meaning is different from the actual meaning of the words. It may also be a situation that ends up in quite a different way than what is generally anticipated.

Jewel AdesileJewel Adesile answered 5 years ago

An irony means the opposite of another word

Kimie WrldDemilade Adegbite answered 5 years ago

An irony is the use of words to  express  something other than and the opposite of the literal meaning..

Kelvin ChukwuKelvin Chukwu answered 5 years ago

The expression of one’s meaning using languages 

Idanesi AkpoghomeIdanesi Akpoghome answered 5 years ago

the expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.


A statement that when , taken in context,may actually mean something different form,or the opposite of what is written litterly

Oluwanifemi OshineyeOluwanifemi Oshineye answered 5 years ago

 A. from of humour in which you use words to express the opposite of what the word really mean

Oluwanifemi OshineyeOluwanifemi Oshineye answered 5 years ago

A strange, funny,or sad situation in which things happen in the opposite way you  expected.

Emmanuel EhiemEmmanuel Ehiem answered 4 years ago

Irony is the use of words that are purely opposite to the intended meaning. A writer or speaker uses this figure to communicate what is contrary on his mind with the hope that his audience will understand the real meaning.

Rasheed AbdullahiRasheed Abdullahi answered 4 years ago

An irony is a figure of speech in which word a used in such a way that their intended meaning is opposite the actual meaning of word

Alameen IdowuAlameen Idowu answered 4 years ago

An irony is a figure of speech that means the opposite of the particular word

Chinonso AkamaduChinonso Akamadu answered 4 years ago

The definition of irony as a literary device is a situation in which there is a contrast between expectation and reality.example he is biggest man I have ever seen

Cheryl WilliamsCheryl Williams answered 4 years ago

An irony is a figure of speech in which a word or expression mean something other than what is intended. It is saying the opposite of the fact being stated. Example her teeth is as white as charcoal

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