DiscussionsCategory: BiologyWhat is the function of HCl in the stomach?
Zainab AhmaduZainab Ahmadu asked 5 years ago

What is the function of HCl in the stomach in terms of digestion?

Kennedy UdofiaKennedy Udofia replied 5 years ago

HCl is an acid present in the stomach which helps to kill bateria that is present in the food that had been swallowed and waiting for digestion.

Kennedy UdofiaKennedy Udofia replied 5 years ago

In terms of digestion, it provide hydrogen ion which activates pepsinogen into pepsin.

Izunna NwubaIzunna Nwuba replied 4 years ago

HCl gives the stomach its acidic medium that enables digestion of proteins in the stomach.

PAMOSAI BonusPAMOSAI Bonus replied 4 years ago

Digestion of protein

6 Answers
Halima AhmaduHalima Ahmadu answered 5 years ago

HCI aids in digestion by supplying H+ which activates pepsinogen, the precursor to pepsin

Micheal MomohMicheal Momoh replied 5 years ago

Yh that correct

Toyyib IbrahimToyyib Ibrahim replied 5 years ago


Toyyib IbrahimToyyib Ibrahim replied 5 years ago


Ezimeruwe OghenekaroEzimeruwe Oghenekaro replied 5 years ago


Halima AhmaduHalima Ahmadu replied 5 years ago


Favour nwankwoFavour nwankwo replied 5 years ago

Very good

Maryam Abduljamih FolorunshoMaryam answered 5 years ago

HCI is a protein which is used to convert the enzymes pepsinogen into pepsin

Kennedy UdofiaKennedy Udofia answered 5 years ago



Hcl acid contribute to protein digestion by providing hydrogen ion which activate the inactive pepsinogen converting it to pepsin

Sadiq BarauSadiq Barau answered 5 years ago

Stomach secretions are made up ofhydrochloric acid, several enzymes, and a mucus coating that protects the lining of yourstomachHydrochloric acid helps your body to break down, digest, and absorb nutrients such as protein. It also eliminates bacteria and viruses in the stomach, protecting your body from infection.

Nana Hauwa SuberuNana Hauwa Suberu answered 5 years ago
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HCI (Hydrochloric acid) is a protein which is used to convert the enzymes pepsinogen into pepsin. It helps in the digestion of food 

Melvyn ChukwuMelvyn Chukwu answered 4 years ago

The hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice breaks down the food and the digestive enzymes split up the proteins.

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