Bulls are the people who buy stock with the belief that the market will rise
Bulls are the people who buy stock with belief that the market will rise
Bulls are people buying stock now with the belief that the stock (or market in general)is going to rise. Their buying helps drive the prices higher. They are said to be’bullish’ on the stock.
Stock exchange is a place where buyers and sellers meet to set up prices for goods and services that are available
Stock exchange is a place where buyers and sellers meet to set up prices for goods and services that are available
Stock exchange is a place where buyers and sellers meet to set up prices for goods and services that are available
Stock exchange is a place where buyers and sellers meet to set up prices for goods and services that are available
Stock exchange is a place where buyers and sellers meet to set up prices for goods and services that are available
Stock exchange is a place where buyers and sellers meet to set up prices for goods and services that are available
Stock exchange is a place where buyers and sellers meet to set up prices for goods and services that are available
Stock exchange is a place where buyers and sellers meet to set up prices for goods and services that are available
A bull is a stock market speculator who buys a holding in a stock in the expectation that in the very short-term it will rise in value
what is stock exchange
Bulls are the people who buy stock with the belief that the market will rise
Bulls are those people that are involved in stock exchange.
Those that are involved in stock exchange
that is people involved in stock exchange
The stockbrokers