Animal Feeds and Feeding

Length: 0 minutes

<strong>ANIMAL FEEDS AND FEEDING</strong> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Feeds</li> <li>Type of Feeds or Feed-stuff</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Meaning of Feeds</strong></h2> <span class="highlight">Feeds are the food given to animals for growth and reproduction.</span> Animals need feed on daily basis for them to grow and reproduce. The feed given to poultry birds are called mash. Thus, there is growers mash for young fowls, finisher mash for adult fowls while layers mash is for fowls that lay eggs. <br> <h2><strong>Type of Feeds or Feed-stuff</strong></h2> Feeds or feed stuff can generally be classified into the following: <ol> <li>Energy-yielding feeds</li> <li>Protein-yielding feeds</li> <li>Mineral-yielding feeds</li> <li>Vitamin-yielding feeds</li> <li>Forages</li> <li>Silage</li> <li>Hay</li> <li>Fodder</li> <li>Chaff</li> <li>Pasture</li> </ol> <br> <h3>1.<strong> Energy-yielding Feeds</strong></h3> These are feeds that are rich in energy and are highly digestible by farm animals. They have low crude fibre content. Examples of the energy-yielding feed stuff are:

Animal Feeds and Feeding (continued)

Length: 0 minutes

<h1><strong>ANIMAL FEEDS AND FEEDING</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Ration</li> <li>Types of Ration</li> <li>Meaning, Causes and Symptoms of Malnutrition</li> <li>Factors that Affect Feed Requirements of Farm Animals</li> <li>Reasons for Feeding Farm Animals</li> <li>Equipment Used for Feeding Farm Animals</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Meaning of Ration</strong></h2> Ration is the quantity or amount of feed given to farm animals daily or over a period of 24 hours. The type of ration given to a particular farm animal is largely dependent on the purpose of production. A balanced ration is a ration containing all the nutrients in the right proportion for growth and development. <br> <h2><strong>Types of Ration</strong></h2> <ol> <li>Maintenance ration</li> <li>Production ration</li> </ol> <h3>1.<strong> Maintenance Ration</strong></h3> This is the amount of feed given to an animal to prevent an increase or decrease in the life weight of the animal. It is given to maintain a particular weight, shape and size.

Farm Animal Diseases

Length: 0 minutes

<h1><strong>FARM ANIMAL DISEASES</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Disease</li> <li>Groups of Disease Causing Organisms of Livestock</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Meaning of Disease</strong></h2> Disease means a change in the normal functions or well-being of farm animals which results in observable symptoms. OR It is an illness, unhealthy or abnormal condition in the body of farm animals. <br> <h2><strong>Groups of Disease Causing Organisms of Livestock</strong></h2> There are many types of disease causing organisms which attack farm animals. These organisms include; <ol> <li>bacteria,</li> <li>fungi,</li> <li>virus,</li> <li>protozoan and</li> <li>metazoan.</li> </ol> <br> <h3>1.<strong> Bacterial Diseases</strong></h3> These are diseases caused by bacteria. Bacteria are single-celled micro-organisms. Examples of bacterial diseases of farm animals include:

Modes of Transmission and Symptoms of Farm Animal Diseases

Length: 0 minutes

<h1><strong>MODES OF TRANSMISSION AND SYMPTOMS OF FARM ANIMAL DISEASES</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Mode of Transmission of Disease Causing Organisms</li> <li>Types of Diseases based on Mode of Transmission</li> <li>Farm Animal Diseases/Symptoms of Farm Animal Diseases/Mode of Transmission (Tabulated)</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Mode of Transmission of Disease Causing Organisms</strong></h2> The following are the mode of transmission of farm animals diseases from one animal to the other. <ol> <li>Airborne</li> <li>Animal carriers e.g visitors, attendants etc.</li> <li>Direct contact with infected animals</li> <li>Insect vectors – tsetse flies, etc.</li> <li>Contact with Droppings of infected animals</li> <li>Contaminated feeds and water</li> <li>Contact with infected animals</li> <li>Vectors e.g. tick, tse-tseflies.</li> <li>Contaminated Feeding or water troughs.</li> <li>Through nasal and oral discharges of the sick animals</li> </ol> <br> <h2><strong>Types of Diseases based on Mode of Transmission</strong></h2> Diseases of livestock could be any of the following: <ol> <li>Infectious disease</li> <li>Contagious disease</li> <li>Diseases Transmitted from Animals to Humans</li> </ol> <br> <h3><strong>Infectious Disease</strong></h3> Infectious disease affects animals without physical contact with the infected animals. It can be transmitted to healthy animals through water, air, or feeds. eg Anthrax, Coccidiosis, and Fowl typhoid.

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