Meaning of Family Resources
Family resources are those things which the family can use to meet their needs and reach their goals. The family has different classes of resources:
Classification of Family Resources
(i) Human resources
(ii) Non human/material resources
Human Resources
These are the resources which exist within an individual. They are personal and unique to each person. Examples are knowledge, skill, imagination/creativity, capabilities, energy and time.
Non-human/Material Resources
These are resources that exist outside people or the family, but they can be controlled by the family.
(i) Money: This is a very important resource that can be used to get most family needs. Money is used to measure the value of the property we have.
(ii) Possessions: These are things owned by the family, which they can be used to achieve some goals family possession could be grouped into
(a) Durable possessions: These are possessions that last for a long time, e.g. furniture, houses, cars and appliances.
(b) Consumable possessions: These are possessions that are used up over time e.g.
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