1. Social Structure of the Mali Empire
  2. Economic Structure of the Mali Empire
  3. Political Structure of the Mali Empire


Structure of the Mali Empire

Social Structure of the Mali Empire

There were social reforms such as the prohibition of the maltreatment of prisoners and slaves, and the promotion of peaceful relationships among the clans. These happened with the emergence of Sundiata Keita in the empire. He also made land reforms which made ownership of land easier for the subjects. The empire consisted of social classes such as the king, priests, entertainers (with stories, poems, songs, dances, etc.), villagers, and slaves.

The empire had a family-based social structure. Hierarchically, the kings were at the top, and they helped in creating an enabling environment for the progress of their subjects. The women cooked, weaved, dyed clothes, and took care of the children. The men took care of the family and livestock and were also involved in entertainment and warfare. The children in the empire also had their functions. Boys start work at an early age. Some were sent to school in Timbuktu.

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