Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS; Stigmatization
<h1><strong>OBJECTS OF NATIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>National Symbols</li> <li>The Coat of Arms</li> <li>The National Flag</li> <li>The National Anthem</li> <li>The National Pledge</li> <li>The National Currency</li> <li>The Nigerian National Passport</li> </ol> <h2><strong>National Symbols</strong></h2> People and groups have trait by which they are known; similarly countries have symbols by which they can be identified. Such symbols stand for authority and remind the citizens that they all belong to the same country. Some of our National symbols have historical importance. Below are some our National symbols. <ol> <li>The Coat of Arms</li> <li>The National Flag</li> <li>The National Anthem</li> <li>The National Pledge</li> <li>The National Currency</li> <li>The National Passport</li> <li>The Constitution</li> <li>National identity Card</li> <li>The Unity Lamp</li> </ol> <h3><strong>The Coat of Arms</strong></h3> This coat of arms is an emblem which shows the unity of the country and stands for authority and power. It is also called the <strong>armorial bearing. </strong>There are certain things drawn on the coat of Arms which are commonly known to be in Nigeria. <u>The black shield </u>represents the good soil of Nigeria. <u>The Eagle</u> represents the strength of Nigeria. <u>The horses</u> represent the dignity and pride of Nigeria. <u>The <strong>Y</strong> shape</u> on the shield represents the Rivers Niger and Benue which flow through the parts of Nigeria. The flowers stands for the beauty of Nigeria as seen from flower called <strong>cactus spectabilis</strong> commonly found in most parts of Nigeria. They are common and found at roadsides and in the coat of Arms stands for Nigerian motto – the way Nigerians are expected to act or believe. <img class="size-full wp-image-37168 aligncenter" src="" alt="National symbols - Coat of Arms" width="400" height="339" /> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Nigeria Coat of Arms - The official Seal of the nation</strong></p> <h3><strong>The National Flag</strong></h3>
<h1><strong>EFFECT OF COMMON CRIMES</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Effects of Common Crimes</li> <li>Prevention of Common Crimes</li> </ol> <h2><strong>Effects of Common Crimes</strong></h2> The following are the effects of common crimes: <ol> <li>Victims of crime, their families and friends go through a difficult adjustment period following a crime whether they have been physically hurt or had their house broken into.</li> <li>The government bears the cost of maintaining law and order in order to secure the life and properties of the individual and the society at large.</li> <li>Feeling extremely fearful.</li>