Environmental Pollution: Water Pollution
<h1><strong>ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION - WATER POLLUTION </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Definition of Pollution</li> <li>Types of Pollution</li> <li>Water Pollution</li> <li>Causes of Water Pollution</li> <li>Consequences/Effects of Water Pollution</li> <li>Control Measures of Water Pollution</li> </ol> <br> <h2><strong>Definition of Pollution</strong></h2> The discharge of waste substances into the environment in quantities that are harmful to human beings is known as <strong>pollution</strong>. The materials and energy that cause pollution are called <strong>pollutants</strong>. Examples of pollutants are Acids, Soaps and Detergents, Alcohol, Oils, Chemical compounds such as Lead, Sulphide, fertilizers, herbicides, refuse and sewage etc. making the environment undesirable, unpleasant, threatening the health and existence of living organisms including humans. <h2><strong>Types of Pollution</strong></h2> There are mainly three types of pollution namely: (i) Water pollution; (ii) Air pollution; (iii) Land or Soil pollution <h3><strong>Water Pollution</strong></h3>