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  1. Classification of Non-living Things
  2. Metals - Properties and Uses of Metals
  3. Non-Metals - Properties and Uses of Non metals

Classification of Non-living Things

Non-living things in the environment can be grouped into metals and non-metal depending on their properties.


They are generally solids except for mercury, which exists in liquid state. Examples are copper, iron rod, empty cans, aluminum, silver, gold, lead etc. Classification of non living things - Metals and non metals

Copper-Coated Pennies

Most coins used the United States contain copper. Pennies, shown here, are made of zinc with a thin coating of copper. They actually have less copper than other U.S. coins!

Properties of Metals

The following are the properties of metals:

Lesson tags: Basic Science Lesson Notes, Basic Science Objective Questions, JSS1 Basic Science, JSS1 Basic Science Evaluation Questions, JSS1 Basic Science Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS1 Basic Science Objective Questions, JSS1 Basic Science Objective Questions Second Term, JSS1 Basic Science Second Term
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