Workshop Safety; Workshop Safety Devices
<h1>WORKSHOP SAFETY</h1> <p>CONTENT</p> <ol> <li>Introduction to Workshop Safety</li> <li>Meaning of Workshop Accident</li> <li>Causes of Workshop Accident</li> <li>Workshop Safety Rules</li> <li>Types of Accidents in the Workshop</li> <li>Workshop Safety Devices</li> </ol> <p> </p> <h2>Introduction to Workshop Safety</h2> <p><strong>Safety</strong> is freedom from danger. It is protection from risk of harm or injury. It is also protection against damage to machines, tools as well as the prevention or removal of factors that can lead to accident. Safety must be ensured in the workshop.</p> <p>A<strong> workshop</strong> is a place where technical and engineering works are carried out.</p> <p><strong>Workshop safety</strong> is protection from risk of harm or injury to humans or damage to machines and tools in the workshop.</p> <p> </p> <h2>Meaning of Workshop Accident</h2> <p>An accident is an unexpected event resulting in injury, illness or death as well as damage to property. Accident occurs as a result of hazards. Hazard is both an unsafe condition and unsafe act. It makes an accident to occur. Hazard is, therefore, any activity, situation or substance that causes harm or injury to someone in a workshop while he/she is working.</p> <p> </p> <h2>Causes of Workshop Accident</h2> <p>The basic causes of accidents are unsafe conditions of machinery, equipment, or surroundings, and the unsafe actions of persons that are caused by ignorance or neglect of safety principles.</p> <p>The following are the causes of workshop accidents:</p> <ol> <li>Lack of safety devices.</li> <li>Failure to use safety devices provided.</li> <li>Failure to follow laid-down methods for handling tools, equipment and machines.</li>