Farm Animal Diseases

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<h1><strong>FARM ANIMAL DISEASES</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Disease</li> <li>Groups of Disease Causing Organisms of Livestock</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Meaning of Disease</strong></h2> Disease means a change in the normal functions or well-being of farm animals which results in observable symptoms. OR It is an illness, unhealthy or abnormal condition in the body of farm animals. <br> <h2><strong>Groups of Disease Causing Organisms of Livestock</strong></h2> There are many types of disease causing organisms which attack farm animals. These organisms include; <ol> <li>bacteria,</li> <li>fungi,</li> <li>virus,</li> <li>protozoan and</li> <li>metazoan.</li> </ol> <br> <h3>1.<strong> Bacterial Diseases</strong></h3> These are diseases caused by bacteria. Bacteria are single-celled micro-organisms. Examples of bacterial diseases of farm animals include:

Modes of Transmission and Symptoms of Farm Animal Diseases

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<h1><strong>MODES OF TRANSMISSION AND SYMPTOMS OF FARM ANIMAL DISEASES</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Mode of Transmission of Disease Causing Organisms</li> <li>Types of Diseases based on Mode of Transmission</li> <li>Farm Animal Diseases/Symptoms of Farm Animal Diseases/Mode of Transmission (Tabulated)</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Mode of Transmission of Disease Causing Organisms</strong></h2> The following are the mode of transmission of farm animals diseases from one animal to the other. <ol> <li>Airborne</li> <li>Animal carriers e.g visitors, attendants etc.</li> <li>Direct contact with infected animals</li> <li>Insect vectors – tsetse flies, etc.</li> <li>Contact with Droppings of infected animals</li> <li>Contaminated feeds and water</li> <li>Contact with infected animals</li> <li>Vectors e.g. tick, tse-tseflies.</li> <li>Contaminated Feeding or water troughs.</li> <li>Through nasal and oral discharges of the sick animals</li> </ol> <br> <h2><strong>Types of Diseases based on Mode of Transmission</strong></h2> Diseases of livestock could be any of the following: <ol> <li>Infectious disease</li> <li>Contagious disease</li> <li>Diseases Transmitted from Animals to Humans</li> </ol> <br> <h3><strong>Infectious Disease</strong></h3> Infectious disease affects animals without physical contact with the infected animals. It can be transmitted to healthy animals through water, air, or feeds. eg Anthrax, Coccidiosis, and Fowl typhoid.

Methods of Prevention and Control of Farm Animal Diseases

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<h1><strong>GENERAL METHODS OF PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF FARM ANIMALS' DISEASES</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>General Effects of Diseases of Farm Animals</li> <li>General Methods of Prevention and Control of Farm Animals' Diseases</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>General Effects of Diseases of Farm Animals</strong></h2> The following are the effects of diseases on farm animals: <ol> <li>Reduced productivity</li> <li>Loss of appetite</li> <li>Loss of weight</li> <li>Death of animals</li> <li>Loss of body condition called emaciation</li>

Introduction to Fishery

Length: 0 minutes

<h1><strong>FISHERY</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Definition of Fishery</li> <li>Examples of Fish</li> <li>Classification of Fish</li> <li>Other Types of Aquatic Organisms</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Definition of Fishery</strong></h2> Fishery refers to the management and production of fish and other aquatic animals. Of all animals living in water, <strong>fish</strong> is the most plentiful of them. Fish belongs to the group of aquatic vertebrates i.e. they have back bones. They are specially adapted to live, raised and reproduced in water. The shape of their body enables them to move easily in water; swim bladder helps them to maintain their balance while the gills are used for respiration. All aquatic animals are found in water bodies such as lakes, pond, streams, rivers, oceans, lagoons and swamps. Other aquatic animals include whales, dolphins, shrimps, lobster, hippopotamus etc.<img class="size-full wp-image-36430 aligncenter" src="" alt="Introduction to Fishery - Parts of a fish (diagram)" width="599" height="299" /> <br> <strong>Parts of a Fish (Diagram)</strong> <br> <h2><strong>Examples of Fish</strong></h2> Some examples of fish are: <ol> <li>Cat fish</li> <li>Mud fish</li> <li>Nile perch</li> <li>Rays</li> <li>Shark</li> <li>Mackerel</li> <li>carps tilapia</li> <li>Croaker etc.</li> </ol> <img class="size-full wp-image-36431 aligncenter" src="" alt="Introduction to Fishery - Examples of fish" width="408" height="364" /> <br> <h2><strong>Classification of Fish</strong></h2>

Uses of Fish and Fish Products/Other Aquatic Organisms

<h1><strong>USES OF FISH AND FISH PRODUCTS/OTHER AQUATIC ORGANISMS</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Examples of Fish</li> <li>Fish Products</li> <li>Other Aquatic Food Organisms</li> <li>Uses of Fish, Fish Products and Other Aquatic Food Organisms</li> </ol> <br> <h2><strong>Examples of Fish</strong></h2> <ol> <li>Tilapia</li> <li>Cat fish</li> <li>Carp</li> <li>Shark</li> <li>Mud fish</li> <li>Croaker</li> <li>Mackerel</li> <li>Dog fish, Nile perch, etc.</li> </ol>

Farm Structures and Buildings

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<h1><strong>FARM STRUCTURES AND BUILDINGS<strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Farm Structures</li> <li>Examples of Farm Structures</li> <li>Types of Farm Structures and their Uses</li> <li>Description of Farm Structures</li> <li>Meaning of Farm Buildings</li> <li>Types of Farm Buildings</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Meaning of Farm Structures </strong></h2> Farm structures are facilities constructed on the farmland to ease farm operations e.g. silos, nursery, feed mill, etc. Farm structures are very simple buildings designed to serve specific purposes on the farm so that farm operations are more easily carried out e.g. barns, cribs, silos, etc.   <h2><strong>Examples of Farm Structures</strong></h2>

Systems/Methods of Fishery

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<h1><strong>SYSTEMS/METHODS OF FISHERY</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Systems of Fishery</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Systems of Fishery</strong></h2> There are <strong>THREE </strong>major systems of fisheries in Nigeria. These are: <ol> <li>Small scale fisheries</li> <li>Large scale fisheries (industrial fisheries)</li> <li>Aquaculture</li> </ol>   <h3><strong>Small Scale Fisheries</strong></h3> This is commonly practiced by local fishermen who live in fishing camps along the banks of the rivers, ponds or streams or along the coast of the sea. Small scale fisheries are very important because between 50-90% of all the fish consumed in the country come from it. Some of the features of small scale fisheries include:

Uses and Maintenance of Farm Structures and Buildings

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<h1><strong>USES OF FARM STRUCTURES AND BUILDINGS; MAINTENANCE OF FARM STRUCTURES AND BUILDINGS</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Uses of Farm Structures</li> <li>Uses of Farm Buildings</li> <li>Maintenance of Farm Structures and Buildings</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Uses of Farm Structures</strong></h2> The following are some farm structures and their uses: <strong>Silo: </strong>It is used for storing harvested grains like maize, cowpea, sorghum, millet and grasses to feed animals. <img class="size-full wp-image-36302 aligncenter" src="" alt="Uses of farm structures - Silos" width="225" height="185" /> <strong>Cribs: </strong>Cribs are used for drying and storing maize which are still on the cob/unshelled maize (dual purpose) <strong>Rhumbus: </strong>It is used for storing grains but in small quantity such as millet, maize, cowpea, sorghum and ground nut. <strong>Feed mills: </strong>They are used to manufacture animal feeds. <strong>Barns: </strong>Barns are used for storing crops like yam, cocoyam, cassava, as well as grass or hay. <strong>Animal dips: </strong>They are used as bath for farm animals to prevent them from ecto-parasites such lice, ticks, etc.   <h2><strong>Uses of Farm Buildings</strong></h2> The following are some farm buildings and their uses:

Fish Processing and Preservation Methods

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<h1><strong>PRESERVATION OF FISH</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Fish Preservation</li> <li>Methods of Fish Preservation</li> </ol> <h2><strong>Meaning of Fish Preservation</strong></h2> Fish preservation is the way of taking good care of fish after it has been captured in order to prevent it from going bad. Methods of preserving fish include the following: <h2><strong>Methods of Fish Preservation</strong></h2> <ol> <li>Sun drying: Removes water by evaporation and its cheap.</li>

Crop Propagation and Cultural Practices

Length: 0 minutes

<h1><strong>CROP PROPAGATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Propagation</li> <li>Methods of Crop Propagation</li> <li>Sexual Propagation of Crops</li> <li>Characteristics of a Good Seed</li> <li>Asexual Propagation of Crops</li> <li>Forms of Asexual Propagation</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Meaning of Propagation<u></u></strong></h2> Crop propagation is the practice of increasing the number of crop plants by sowing their seeds or planting their cuttings, leaves stems and roots. OR Crop propagation is the reproduction of a new plant as an independent unit. Propagation is primarily aimed at reproducing new young plants series by two methods. <h2><strong>Methods of Crop Propagation</strong></h2> <ol> <li>By seed (sexual propagation).</li> <li>By vegetative organs (asexual propagation).</li> </ol> <h3><strong>Sexual Propagation of Crops</strong></h3> This is the production of new plants through the use of seeds. Sexual propagation of crops involves the fertilization, that is union or joining together of male and female gametes (pollen grains and ovules) from two parents’ flowers to form the ovule which later mature to produce seeds. <strong>Seeds</strong> are the main plant form of reproduction in sexual propagation of crops. <h4><strong>Characteristics of a Good Seed</strong></h4> Seeds to be propagated should have the following characteristics:

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