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  1. Meaning of Propagation
  2. Methods of Crop Propagation
  3. Sexual Propagation of Crops
  4. Characteristics of a Good Seed
  5. Asexual Propagation of Crops
  6. Forms of Asexual Propagation

Meaning of Propagation

Crop propagation is the practice of increasing the number of crop plants by sowing their seeds or planting their cuttings, leaves stems and roots. OR Crop propagation is the reproduction of a new plant as an independent unit. Propagation is primarily aimed at reproducing new young plants series by two methods.

Methods of Crop Propagation

  1. By seed (sexual propagation).
  2. By vegetative organs (asexual propagation).

Sexual Propagation of Crops

This is the production of new plants through the use of seeds. Sexual propagation of crops involves the fertilization, that is union or joining together of male and female gametes (pollen grains and ovules) from two parents’ flowers to form the ovule which later mature to produce seeds. Seeds are the main plant form of reproduction in sexual propagation of crops.

Characteristics of a Good Seed

Seeds to be propagated should have the following characteristics:

Lesson tags: Agricultural Science Lesson Notes, Agricultural Science Objective Questions, JSS2 Agricultural Science, JSS2 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS2 Agricultural Science First Term, JSS2 Agricultural Science Objective Questions, JSS2 Agricultural Science Objective Questions First Term
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