Effects of Timely Harvesting Versus Late Harvesting

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<h1><strong>EFFECTS OF TIMELY HARVESTING AND LATE HARVESTING</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Harvesting</li> <li>Harvesting Techniques</li> <li>Effect of Late Harvesting</li> <li>Effect of Timely Harvesting</li> </ol> <strong> </strong> <h2><strong>Meaning of Harvesting</strong></h2> Harvesting is the removal and gathering of mature crops for processing and storage. The sign of maturity differ for different crops. For crops like yam, cocoyam and ground nut, maturity is signified when most of their leaves are turn into yellow and drying. The purpose of production also affects the maturity, the stage at which the crop is to be used. For example, maize meant to be eaten fresh is generally harvested green while that meant for storage is harvested dried. <h2><strong>Harvesting Techniques</strong></h2> The following are techniques used in harvesting: <ol> <li>Tapping: rubber</li> <li>Cutting: cocoa pods, oil palm fruits and coconut fruits</li> <li>Digging: yam, cocoyam and potato.</li> <li>Uprooting: groundnuts and cassava</li> <li>Picking: cotton bolls.</li> </ol> <h2><strong>Effects of Late Harvesting</strong></h2> The effects of late harvesting include the following:

Effects of Forest on the Environment

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<h1><strong>EFFECTS OF FORESTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Other Uses/Benefits of Forest Resources</li> <li>Importance of Forest</li> <li>Effects of Forest on the Environment</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Other Uses/Benefits of Forest Resources</strong></h2> There are some other benefits of the forest which cannot be quantified in terms of monetary value but which is of great importance to people. These are: <ol> <li>Forest checks erosion of soil.</li> <li>It provides man with sources of food, shelter and protection.</li> <li>It is a source of raw materials for industries.</li> <li>It provides good sources of foreign exchange earnings.</li> <li>Forest resources provide recreational facilities.</li> <li>It provides employment opportunities for people as guards.</li> <li>Forest provides shelter for wildlife and serves as a tourist centre.</li> <li>Forest provides medicinal herbs.</li> <li>It is an important source of fuel for people.</li> </ol> <br> <h2>Importance of Forest</h2> The following are the importance of forest:

Post-harvesting Operations

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<h1><strong>POST-HARVESTING OPERATIONS</strong></h1> CONTENT <strong>Post-Harvesting Operations</strong> <ol> <li>Farm Level Processing - Methods of Processing; Importance of Processing</li> <li>Storage - Meaning of Storage and Importance of Storage</li> <li>Marketing</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Post-Harvesting Operations</strong></h2> Post-harvesting operations include the following: <ol> <li>Farm level processing</li> <li>Storage</li> <li>Marketing</li> </ol> <h3>1.<strong> Farm Level Processing</strong></h3> These are series of activities used in converting harvested farm produce into clean and marketable forms. After harvesting, crops need to be processed so that they can be consumed or stored for future use. <h4><strong>Methods of Processing</strong></h4> (i) Shelling (ii) Dehusking

Human Activities that Affect the Forest

<h1><strong>HUMAN ACTIVITIES THAT AFFECT THE FOREST</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Human Activities that Affect the Forest</li> <li>Forest Management Practices</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Human Activities that Affect the Forest</strong></h2> A number of human activities have been identified to be a threat to the development and survival of the forest. Examples of such include: <ol> <li>Clearing or deforestation</li> <li>Bush burning</li> <li>Farming</li> <li>Hunting/Depletion of wildlife</li> <li>Poaching</li> <li>Industrialization and mining</li> <li>Construction of buildings, road and commercial places</li> </ol> <h3><strong>Clearing or deforestation</strong></h3> This is the process of indiscriminate felling of trees in the forest. Deforestation is also done when a farm is about to be started especially in the rain forest region.

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