CONTENT- Meaning of Harvesting
- Harvesting Techniques
- Effect of Late Harvesting
- Effect of Timely Harvesting
Meaning of Harvesting
Harvesting is the removal and gathering of mature crops for processing and storage. The sign of maturity differ for different crops. For crops like yam, cocoyam and ground nut, maturity is signified when most of their leaves are turn into yellow and drying. The purpose of production also affects the maturity, the stage at which the crop is to be used. For example, maize meant to be eaten fresh is generally harvested green while that meant for storage is harvested dried.Harvesting Techniques
The following are techniques used in harvesting:- Tapping: rubber
- Cutting: cocoa pods, oil palm fruits and coconut fruits
- Digging: yam, cocoyam and potato.
- Uprooting: groundnuts and cassava
- Picking: cotton bolls.
Effects of Late Harvesting
The effects of late harvesting include the following:You are viewing an excerpt of this lesson. Subscribing to the subject will give you access to the following:
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