<h1>DRAINAGE</h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Drainage</li> <li>Types of Drainage</li> <li>Importance of Drainage/Benefits of Drainage to Agriculture</li> <li>Problems of Drainage</li> </ol> <h2>Meaning of Drainage<strong></strong></h2> Drainage is the removal of excess water artificially from a farmland to prevent water logging and promote good farming activities. Excess water may be removed through channels, pipes or funnels either from the surface of land or beneath the soil. <br> <h2>Types of Drainage (Drainage Systems)</h2> There are two major types of drainage. These are: <ul> <li>Surface drainage</li> <li>Sub-surface/underground drainage</li> </ul> <h3>Surface Drainage</h3> This is the removal of excess water from the surface of the farmland using constructed open ditches, field drain, land grading and lateral ditches. This is divided into; <ul> <li>Random field surface drainage</li> <li>Parallel field drainage</li> </ul> Random field surface is suitable for areas with pot holes or depressions (rough topography). Parallel field drain is ideal where fields are flat or less than 1 – 2% slope. <img class="size-full wp-image-52580 aligncenter" src="https://classhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/drainage-prarallel-field-drain.jpg" alt="Drainage - parallel field drainage" width="534" height="283" /> <p style="text-align: center;">Parallel Field Drain</p>