CONTENT- Meaning of Nutrient Cycle
- The Nitrogen Cycle
- The Carbon Cycle
- The Phosphorus Cycle
- Diagram Process of Each Cycle
- Importance of Each Cycle
Meaning of Nutrient Cycle
Nutrients cycle refers to the circulation of some nutrients in nature. They occur in the sea, soil, air, forest, etc.The Nitrogen Cycle
This is the natural process by which nitrogen moves in natural forms to another parts of the environment.
The Nitrogen Cycle
The Processes of Nitrogen Transformation
Processes of nitrogen transformation include:- Oxidation during lightening: Nitrogen in the air combines with oxygen to form oxides of nitrogen such as nitric-oxides. Nitrogen peroxide and nitric-oxide. These undergo further oxidation to from nitrogen-dixoide. When this dissolves in water during rain. It forms nitrous acid and nitric acid. These are converted to nitrates and filter into the soil with rain water.
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