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  1. Meaning of Computer Virus
  2. Types of Computer Virus
  3. Examples of Viruses
  4. Sources of Viruses


Meaning of Computer Virus

Computer virus is a program intentionally written by some software developer to cause damage to the computer, programs and files in which it found itself. The computer virus may be designed to display unwanted messages.

The computer virus is a program that has the ability to replicates itself by changing other programs to include a copy of itself. A virus causes the infected computer system to function in ways not originally planned. The computer virus cannot be seen with your natural eyes yet the effects can be notified on an infected system.

Types of Computer Virus

There are basically three ways in which a virus will infect your microcomputer.

  1. Boot sector virus
  2. Executable file virus
  3. Document virus

Boot Sector

A boot sector virus infects hard drives and flash disks by making itself available on the boot sector of the disk.

Lesson tags: Computer Studies Lesson Notes, Computer Studies Objective Questions, JSS3 Computer Studies, JSS3 Computer Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS3 Computer Studies Evaluation Questions Third Term, JSS3 Computer Studies Objective Questions, JSS3 Computer Studies Objective Questions Third Term, JSS3 Computer Studies Third Term
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