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  1. Digestion in Non-ruminants/Monogastrics (Pig)
  2. Digestion in Domestic Fowl


Digestion in Non-ruminants/Monogastrics (Pig)

Non-ruminants are animals with simple stomach like rabbit, pig and poultry. Pigs have only one stomach. They do not chew the cud. Pig feed mainly on basal feed like maize, cassava, and other mashed food. The digestion of feed/food takes place in the four areas of the tract.

  1. Mouth: The food is masticated, chewed and mixed with saliva which contains enzymes called ptyalin, the ptyalin converts starch to The food is swallowed and moved by peristaltic movement to the stomach.
  2. Stomach: Two enzymes rennin and pepsin are present. Renin acts on milk and cuddle it while pepsin converts proteins to peptones. The thick liquid called chyme, now passes to the duodenum.
  3. Duodenum: Digestion also takes place here, three enzymes are present and they act on different food stuffs.
  4. Amylase: This enzyme converts starch to maltose.
  5. Lipase: Converts fats and oil to fatty acids and glycerol
  6. Trypsinogen: Converts protein and peptones to polypeptides at the end of digestion in the duodenum, the food (non-liquid form called, chyle, passes to the ileum or small intestine).

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