You must complete Historical Development of Computers: Early Counting Devices to unlock this Lesson.



  1. Electro-mechanical Counting Devices


Electro-mechanical Counting Devices

These are counting devices that could be operated both electrically and mechanically. Electro-mechanical devices include the following:

  1. Speeding Clock
  2. Blaise Pascal machine
  3. Gottfried Leibniz Machine



In 1623 and 1624, reported his design and construction of what he referred to as an arithmetical instrument that he has invented but which would later be described as a (calculating clock). The machine was designed to assist in all the four basic functions of arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). Amongst its uses, Schickard suggested it would help in the laborious task of calculating astronomical tables. The machine could add and subtract six-digit numbers, and indicated an overflow of this capacity by ringing a bell. The adding machine in the base was primarily provided to assist in the difficult task of adding or multiplying two multi-digit numbers. To this end an ingenious arrangement of rotatable Napier's bones were mounted on it. It even had an additional "memory register" to record intermediate calculations. Schickard’s machine was not programmable.

Historical development of the computer - Electro-mechanical counting devices - speeding clock or calculating clock

Lesson tags: Computer Studies Lesson Notes, Computer Studies Objective Questions, JSS1 Computer Studies, JSS1 Computer Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS1 Computer Studies Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS1 Computer Studies First Term, JSS1 Computer Studies Objective Questions, JSS1 Computer Studies Objective Questions First Term
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